Things That Are Unnecessarily Gendered

A few weeks ago, I asked my Instagram followers if they could think of things that are unnecessarily gendered. I’m talking about any object, activity, or *thing* that is associated with a certain gender, when it absolutely doesn’t have to be! 

Folks came up with an *incredibly* comprehensive list (check out the posts here and here) - thank you! So, below is a list of unnecessarily gendered things that you might have never noticed were gendered! 


Most of the skincare products advertised today are targeted towards women. The advertisements show female models using the creams and lotions, and “skincare for men” is its own category. This is not necessary! Everyone has skin and everyone should take care of it, no matter their gender.


Sports have been historically gendered, not only through the creation of male and female leagues, but even by the kinds of sports that are considered “masculine” or “feminine.” Anyone can play sports, so why are some considered “girly,” and others “men’s sports”? 

Alcoholic Beverages

“Girly drinks” should not be a thing! If a drink is fruity or sweet that does not mean that it’s for women- it just means that it’s a good drink!


Historically, using makeup has been seen as a female practice. Why is that? Caring about one's appearance should not be considered a woman’s activity. If makeup makes you feel good, wear it no matter your gender. And if you’re a woman who feels pressured to wear makeup but doesn’t want to, then don’t! Makeup has no gender.


Flowers are considered feminine by society, but they don’t have to be. Anyone can appreciate flowers, and anyone can receive them. Don’t let gender norms hold you back from experiencing their beauty.


Skirts, dresses, and blouses… none of these items of clothing have a gender! The same goes for clothing traditionally considered masculine. Wear what you like, no matter your gender identity.

Kids Toys

This is one of the more obvious things on this list, and was one of the most frequently commented. There is no reason why children’s assumed gender should dictate the kinds of toys they can play with! Trucks and dolls can be used by any child, no matter their gender assigned at birth.

Razors and Shaving

Ignoring the fact that modern beauty companies pressure women to shave in their advertisements when body hair is completely natural… have you noticed that razors themselves are gendered? Women are marketed to using pink razors, while men are targeted for darker colors and straight razors. Not to mention, “women’s razors” are usually much more expensive!

Haircare and Hairstyles

Why is short hair and long hair still seen as masculine and feminine, respectively? Break those barriers! In addition, the marketing for haircare products is almost always gendered as well. Taking care of your hair and your body is not a feminine practice!

Protein Shakes

Just as sports shouldn’t be gendered, neither should exercise! Protein shakes in particular are often marketed toward men or women despite containing the same ingredients. Anyone can exercise, and anyone can drink a protein shake.


You may have seen a popular joke online that says that some people are more forgiving when they use the incorrect pronouns for a pet than they are when they make that same mistake towards a person. Pets, of course, have no concept of gender. That apology towards pets seems pretty silly when put into perspective!


It’s time to move past the gendering of shoes. High heels can be worn by anyone who wants to wear them, and not worn by anyone who doesn’t. At this point, you should know what I’m going to say next: shoes have no gender!


Just as haircare products are unnecessarily gendered, so are soaps! Whether hand or body soaps, they often are marketed intensely towards men or women with respective designs and scents. The truth is, anyone can use any soap, no matter their identity.

Glasses Frames

Shopping for glasses can be a super fun experience, but it’s also usually a gendered one. What is it about these pieces of plastic and metal that makes them “women’s” or “men’s” glasses? Is it the color? The shape? No matter what it is, it doesn’t matter! Glasses can be worn by anyone, regardless of gender. 


Why is pink a “feminine” color? Why are baby boys swaddled in blue blankets? In fact, the opposite used to be true in the early 1900s. The gendering of colors is entirely unnecessary!


Speaking of baby blankets, babies themselves are unnecessarily gendered! For some people this might still seem like a hot take, but is it really? Babies have no concept of their gender identity and yet, they are often put in shirts that say things like “I can’t date until I’m 30” or “lock up your daughters” before they can even say their first words. The gendering of babies is the ultimate unnecessary gender attribution in today’s society.

What to make of this?

Is this list surprisingly long to you? It’s no joke how deeply engrained the binary has become! If you’ve never actively thought about the unnecessarily gendered things in your life, then it’s next to impossible to notice them. Now that you’re attuned to this, try to pay attention to other things that are gendered unnecessarily.

Resources to learn more about LGBTQ+ identities and be a better ally:

A great way to be an ally is learning the proper terms to discuss 2SLGBTQ+ topics. 

To download a PDF of gender and sexuality terms click here.

Listen to the podcast Allyship is a Verb for LGBTQ+ stories and allyship tips! 

Has a kid in your life recently come out to you? Check out my guide! 

Want to better understand gender so you can support the kids in your life?

Sign up for How To Talk To Kids About Gender, the course that helps parents and caregivers have the not-so-difficult conversations that matter about gender.


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