Parent Voices: Letter To Parents In Texas

I want to talk to the parents of trans kids in Texas.

We know the stats, right? We’ve seen the numbers. We’ve memorized them. We’ve cried over them. We don’t want our child to become one of them.

We have played out the different scenarios in our heads—someone outing them, someone making fun of them, someone hurting them. We have read the scary headlines and prayed or pleaded for that to never be our kid. We’ve cried for the lives lost and for their loved ones left behind.

We know the bad things. We don’t want the bad things. We want our children to be loved and safe and protected and happy. We want our children to learn and have fun—without distress. To be comfortable in their skin, in their mind, in their heart. To be kids!

So we love them. We affirm them. We support them.

We parent them.

We don’t abuse them.

To the affirming parents of trans kids in Texas—you are not doing anything wrong.

You are doing what’s required of you as a parent—loving the heck out of your kid.

You are standing alongside your child, showing them that this behavior by the governor of their state is not okay. That we demand more for them.

We demand that our children are allowed to live.

We demand that our children can be who they are without restrictions from the government. Without anyone trying to strip them of their autonomy.

We demand that our children are allowed to play sports—without any type of investigation beforehand.

We demand that our children have a fighting chance to thrive in this world.

We demand that our children are free to access joy!

We demand that the attacks on our children end immediately.

We demand that those who claim to be PRO-LIFE, realize that that means protecting all life, not just the life of an unborn child.

We demand gender affirming care for transgender youth because that is directly tied to PROTECTING THEIR LIVES.

Let me make one thing super clear, fellow parents of trans kiddos—your love, your affirmation, your support—is not abuse. It is vital. It is true. It is beautiful.

My trans kiddo is young. I often feel like this is a big responsibility for me and my partner. That, ultimately, we’re “in charge” of this person. I am—not always, but often—scared what other adults might say to me about my child. About why we’re “letting” him live this way, or who/why someone gave us permission to believe him and validate him.

I’m here to say I’m sorry your kid, you, and your family are having to go through this. I’m here to say that you have SO many parents and allies behind you ready to fight this with you. You are not alone.

There’s nothing wrong with your child because they’re transgender.

There’s nothing wrong with you for loving them without conditions.

The only abuse going on here is the abuse of power.

This isn’t okay and never will be okay. Let’s put these clowns in their place—out of office. And let’s protect trans youth.

This mother of a trans child is with you, Texas. And I’m not the only one.

We stand with you, we’ll figure this out with you.

We’ve got you.

Parent Voices is an anonymous opportunity for parents to voice their experience of raising a trans child, without disclosing their identity, and outing their child. If you would like to submit an article please send it to with the subject line “Parent Voices”

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